Aleksandra Poreba, M.Sc.

Aleksandra Poreba is a Doctoral Student (started October 2022) with a Wolfgang Gentner Scholarship, shared between Heidelberg University and CERN, Geneva. Her research focuses on particle track reconstructions using heterogenous computing, specifically GPU acceleration. She has received her Master’s degree in Applied Computer Science in 2022 from AGH UST, Cracow Poland.

Research interests

  • Particle identification and reconstruction techniques
  • GPU acceleration
  • Rapid data aquisition systems and performance monitoring and estimations frameworks

Recent news (2-year horizon)

  • Trigger Operations report on ATLAS Collaboration Week
  • Talk at CHEP 2023: The ATLAS Trigger System for LHC Run 3 and Trigger performance in 2022

General information

  • Short CV: pdf

Recent Service (4-year horizon)

  • International Masterclasses Hands on Particle Physics Moderator in 2023 and 2024 (ATLAS Z-Path)
  • CERN Summer Student Programme 2023: Supervised a summer student, creating a ATLAS Trigger Operations archive system
  • Nov 2023: CHEP 2023 Proceedings Reviewer
  • Since Apr 2022: One of the primary contacts of ATLAS Trigger related issues during the LHC data taking
  • Since Jan 2021: Coordinator of ATLAS Trigger Online Performance Monitoring and Estimations (Trigger Rates and Cost Analysis)


  1. ATLAS Collaboration
    The ATLAS Trigger System for LHC Run 3 and Trigger performance in 2022
      title = {The {ATLAS} Trigger System for {LHC} Run 3 and Trigger performance in 2022},
      author = {Collaboration, {ATLAS}},
      url = {},
      year = {2024},
      eprint = {2401.06630},
      archiveprefix = {arXiv},
      primaryclass = {hep-ex}
  2. Aleksandra Poreba
    Operational experience with the new ATLAS HLT framework for LHC Run 3
      author = {Poreba, Aleksandra},
      title = {Operational experience with the new {ATLAS HLT} framework for {LHC} Run 3},
      institution = {{CERN}},
      reportnumber = {ATL-COM-DAQ-2023-023},
      address = {Geneva},
      year = {2023},
      url = {}
  3. Aleksandra Poreba
    Trigger Performance Monitoring and Rate Predictions Preparation for Run 3 at ATLAS Experiment
    Computing and Informatics, 40(4), 833–849, 2021
      title = {Trigger Performance Monitoring and Rate Predictions Preparation for Run 3 at {ATLAS} Experiment},
      volume = {40},
      url = {},
      doi = {10.31577/cai_2021_4_833},
      number = {4},
      journal = {Computing and Informatics},
      author = {Poreba, Aleksandra},
      year = {2021},
      month = dec,
      pages = {833–849}