HIDSS4Health: Image-Guided Adaptive Radiation Therapy (IGART) Based on Massive Parallelism and Real-Time Scheduling

Research Grant
Summary: The IGART project is part of the Helmholtz Information & Data Science School for Health (HIDSS4Health), and a collaboration with the German Center for Cancer Research (DKFZ), Heidelberg. It considers the need for real-time image registration for dose calculation based on lung images. For this purpose, a strategy to employ massively parallel multi-GPU systems is sought.
The project has received funding by “HIDSS4Health”.
- Holger Fröning (co-PI)
- Vahdaneh Kiani (PhD student)
- Oliver Jäkel (DKFZ, co-PI)
- Kristina Giske (DKFZ, researcher)
- CLAIRE-ROP: Rapid Partitioning-based Deformable Image Registration on Multi-GPU Accelerator8th International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics (ICMHI), ACM, 2024
@inproceedings{kiani2024, author = {Kiani, Vahdaneh and J{\"{a}}kel, Oliver and Fr{\"{o}}ning, Holger}, title = {{CLAIRE-ROP:} Rapid Partitioning-based Deformable Image Registration on Multi-GPU Accelerator}, booktitle = {8th International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics}, publisher = {{ACM}}, location = {Yokohama, Japan}, year = {2024}, series = {ICMHI}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3673971.3673983}, }